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  • Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 11/07/2024 at 2:00 PM (EST)

    Join us for a joint presentation with ADEA and the Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID). The aim of this session is to bring awareness for the need of more Indigenous dentists.

    image     image

    Join us for a collaborative presentation with the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and the Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID).

    This session will highlight the urgent need for more Indigenous dentists. We will explore the historical relationship between Indigenous communities, the health care system and dentistry, and how this impacts oral health in these communities today. Additionally, we will discuss the challenges Indigenous students face while pursuing dental education and explore strategies for developing partnerships to support their success. By increasing Indigenous representation in the dental profession, we aim to address oral health disparities that disproportionately affect these communities. This presentation will also showcase current initiatives and resources available to Indigenous students.

    Learning Objectives: 

    • Recognize how colonialism has impacted oral health standards for Indigenous community.
    • Identify challenges and barriers Indigenous students face while pursuing a career in dentistry.
    • Identify ways to foster collaboration and build pathways into dentistry for Indigenous students.
    • Understand current statistics on Indigenous representation in dentistry.

    Original Release Date: November 7, 2024

    Expiration Date: November 7, 2027

    Questions? Contact

    Disclaimer: The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by Nov. 7, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.00 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Cristin Haase, D.M.D., M.P.H.


    Society of American Indian Dentists

    Dr. Cristin Haase is the President of nonprofit The Society of American Indian Dentists. Dr. Haase graduated, in 2017, with a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree and master’s degree in Public Health degree from A.T. Still University Arizona School of Dental & Oral Health. She is currently training as a Pediatric Dental Specialist.

    Dr. Haase grew up in the great plains of rural North Dakota and is of Lakota heritage (Cheyenne River Sioux). In 2015, he was recognized as a “Dreamstarter” by the Running Strong for American Indian Youth Organization (founded by Billy Mills) as a dental student, and received the additional honor of being named “Dreamstarter GOLD” in 2020 for organizing The AI/AN Pre-dental Admissions Workshop (PAW) program at A.T. Still University.

    Dr. Haase spends her free time hiking, snowboarding and streaming all Taylor Swift’s albums.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

    Teague Rutherford, D.M.D., M.P.H.

    Society of American Indian Dentists

    Dr. Teague Rutherford is the first enrolled Aaniiih and Nakoda tribal member from Fort Belknap Indian Reservation to become a dentist, having graduated in May 2024 from A.T. Still University Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health. Dr. Rutherford grew up on his reservation in Northcentral Montana where he faced traumatic experiences in the dental chair at Indian Health Service. These experiences, followed by pain-free dental experiences at a private-practice clinic, are what pushed him to pursue a career in dentistry. Using his skills, along with a master’s degree in Public Health attained at the University of Montana, Dr. Rutherford is focused on developing better oral health care for Indigenous people across the nation.

    Currently, Dr. Rutherford is participating in a General Practice Residency in Fresno, Calif., to help gain more clinical and administrative experience in dentistry. His overall goals are to return home and practice dentistry within his reservation and help other Alaskan Native/American Indian students accomplish their dreams in holistic health care. 

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

    Frances Kim, D.D.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H.

    Student Programs Manager

    Society of American Indian Dentists

    Dr. Frances Kim is the Student Programs Manager for Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID). She received her D.D.S. from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. After a one-year General Practice Residency at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, she received her master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Family and Community Health and Doctorate in Public Health in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Kim completed a dental public health residency at Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

    As a dental public health consultant, she has been involved in various activities in both the private and public sector, has been appointed as adjunct faculty in several schools—providing instruction in public health as well as mentoring for dental public health residents and predoctoral students—and has been involved in epidemiologic research and analysis. Dr. Kim is a Past President of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry and a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Public Health.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/27/2024

    By the end of the webinar, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to promote sustainable practices in oral health care and start their sustainable dental education journey.

    In 2023, the ADEA House of Delegates passed resolution 4H-2023, “Climate Change and Implications for Health, Oral Health and Oral Health Education,” acknowledging our responsibility to train future oral health professionals in sustainable practices. This webinar is designed to provide insight into the importance and benefits of using a sustainable approach in dental practice. 

    Join us to hear the speaker panel discuss aspects of environmental sustainability in dental education, including introductory concepts, ethical obligations and current methods for approaching the practice of dentistry through a sustainable lens. They will also share case study examples of sustainable integration into the dental curriculum and clinic. By the end of the webinar, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to promote sustainable practices in oral health care and start their sustainable dental education journey. 

    Learning Objectives:

    • Describe the relationship between oral health and environmental sustainability.
    • Explain the ethical obligation for dentistry and health care to adopt sustainable practices for the future.
    • Identify educational advantages of integrating sustainable practices in the educational environment. 

     This webinar is presented by the ADEA Special Interest Group (SIG) on Sustainability in Dentistry. Learn more about joining this SIG, as well as ADEA's other SIGs and Sections online.

    Original Release Date: September 18, 2024

    Expiration Date: September 18, 2027

    Questions? Contact

    Disclaimer: The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by September 18, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.00 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Jenn Luca, D.M.D., M.S.

    Pediatric Dentist

    The Ohio State University College of Dentistry

    Dr. Jenn Luca is a pediatric dentist. While in dental school, she conducted research in dental education and co-founded My Dental Key, a dental education company.  She found and led the Sustainability Committee, made up of students, faculty, and staff, while at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She used her experience organizing institutions around sustainable matters at Nationwide Children’s Hospital/The Ohio State University during her residency by creating the NCH Green Team and advocating for “Green Healthcare.” She volunteers with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare as a facilitator of the Sustainable Dentistry course to promote dental professional education and works with the ADEA SIG Sustainable Dentistry Group.  She has presented on Sustainable Dentistry at the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Student Dental Association annual conferences. Dr. Jenn is dedicated to integrating environmentally sustainable practices into the dental profession and cultivating a community that supports the well-being of everyone, including our planet.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

    Toni Roucka, D.D.S., M.A.

    Professor Emerita

    Marquette University School of Dentistry

    Dr. Toni Roucka is Professor Emerita at Marquette University School of Dentistry. She served as an Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 2013 to 2023. Her undergraduate degree is in Nursing. She received her D.D.S. from the University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry and an M.A. in Bioethics from the Medical College of Wisconsin.  

    Dr. Roucka's expertise in dental ethics is widely recognized, as evidenced by her numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and her role as a national speaker. She is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard Academy. She currently serves on the American College of Dentists Board as an At-large Regent.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

    Yaara Berdan, D.D.S., M.B.A.

    Co-Chair Department of Endodontics and Periodontics; Associate Professor of Clinical Dentistry; Director, Undergraduate Endodontics

    Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC

    Dr. Yaara Berdan is the Co-Chair of the Department of Endodontics and Periodontics at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC and the Director of Predoctoral Endodontics. She received her D.D.S. from the University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry, a certificate in pediatric dentistry from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and a certificate in endodontics from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She recently obtained her M.B.A. and Certificate in Business and Sustainability from the USC Marshall School of Business.

    She co-founded the ADEA Sustainability in Dentistry Special Interest Group and is currently serving as Chair. Dr. Berdan is the faculty advisor to the Ostrow Sustainability Group and is a member of the USC Practice Greenhealth Group and a member of the USC Presidential Working Group for Sustainability Education.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/25/2024

    This presentation will focus on the therapies needed to provide optimal care for persons with disabilities, and the social, economic and practice limitations that can come with it.

    This presentation will discuss the role of oral health care providers in advocacy, specifically regarding conditions and treatments for persons with disabilities. Looking at the management of dental caries, this presentation will focus on the therapies needed to provide optimal care for persons with disabilities, and the social, economic and practice limitations that can come with it.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify the role of health facilitators/community health workers in assuring optimum oral health for individuals with disabilities.
    • Explore the role of telehealth in assuring optimum health for individuals with disabilities.
    • Summarize evidence-based caries management protocols. 
    • Examine the role of evidence-based caries management paradigms in assuring optimum health for individuals with disabilities.
    • Explore how State Practice Acts may impede optimum health for individuals with disabilities.

    Original Release Date: September 25, 2024

    Expiration Date: September 25, 2027

    Questions? Contact

    Disclaimer: The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by September 25, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.00 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Mark S. Wolff, D.D.S., PhD.

    Morton Amsterdam Dean

    University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

    Dr. Mark S. Wolff is the Morton Amsterdam Dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and a Professor in the Department of Preventative and Restorative Dentistry. Formerly he was a Professor and Chair of the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care and Associate Dean for Pre-doctoral Clinical Education and Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations at the New York University College of Dentistry.  He has designed, developed, and implemented an extensive curriculum in caries risk assessment and has designed dental information systems to assist dental schools in monitoring the risk of the entire dental patient population.  Dr. Wolff has completed numerous national and international research and oral health assessment programs.  Dr. Wolff started his dental career as a private practitioner, creating a family practice that focused on the medically compromised and disabled patients of all ages.  He has been a lifelong advocate and educator for individuals with physical, intellectual and developmental disabilities through the lifespan.

    Dr. Wolff received his DDS degree and PhD in Oral Biology and Pathology from Stony Brook University.  He has served as the principal or co-principal investigator on multiple bench top and clinical research projects investigating dental caries, novel re-mineralizing agents, dental erosion, periodontal disease, dental materials and dentinal hypersensitivity.   He has co-authored over 100 scientific papers, text chapters and edited multiple textbooks.  Dr. Wolff lectures world-wide and is a frequent consultant to industry.  He has been the principal or co-principal investigator on more than $9.0 million in industrial and National Institute of Health funded research.  Prior to joining the NYU College of Dentistry in 2005, he served as Associate Dean at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine, where he helped develop and implement the first completely computerized dental record.  Under his leadership, Penn Dental Medicine  implemented extensive clinical programs of caries and health risk assessments, minimal intervention dentistry, tobacco cessation, evidence based dental education, community-based dentistry and dental care for all patients through the life-cycle.  He frequently serves as a media source for information on consumer issues and hosted an annual radio series on dental issues on satellite radio.

    Speaker receives compensation from the Colgate-Palmolive Company for activities, consulting and speaking engagements, that are not related his responsibilities to University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    As a follow-up to the first National Road to Residency event hosted at the 2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, the ADEA Council of Advanced Education Programs Officers, Council of Sections and Council of Students, Residents and Fellows are teaming up again to host a virtual Road to Residency event.

    ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows (ADEA COSRF)

    Virtual Road to Residency Event
    Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024
    8:00 – 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time/5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time
    Zoom Webinar

    Navigating the Road to Residency


    Program Description
    As a follow-up to the first National Road to Residency event hosted at the 2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, the ADEA Council of Advanced Education Programs Officers, Council of Sections and Council of Students, Residents and Fellows are teaming up again to host a virtual Road to Residency event. This time, the focus for the event is to hear from the residents’ perspectives on how they navigated the fourth year of dental school, the ADEA PASS® (ADEA Postdoctoral Application Support Service) process, advanced education program interviews, and being involved in ADEA leadership positions and other oral health organizations, in addition to personal responsibilities. In alignment with ADEA’s mission of preparing future oral health care professionals for success in their careers, this event exposes students to consider their next steps as oral health professionals and the opportunities of a career within academia through listening to the wisdom and journey of residents and advanced education program directors. 


    • Equip future applicants with the knowledge to successfully navigate the ADEA PASS application process for advanced education programs;
    • Highlight how advanced education programs fit into the broader framework of oral health education and practice;
    • Develop an understanding of how current dental residents navigated the process to their advanced education program; and
    • Identify the pathways to pursuing a career in oral health academia.
    ADEA COSRF Virtual Road to Residency Event
    October 17, 2024


    8:00 – 8:10 p.m.                Welcome and Introductions

    Justin James Donato, Chair, ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows (COSRF)
    Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine

    Susan B. Paurazas, D.D.S., M.S., M.H.S.A., Chair, ADEA Council of Advanced Education Programs
    Clinical Professor, Graduate Endodontics Program
    University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry

    James L. Harrison, D.M.D., Chair, ADEA Council of Sections
    Associate Professor, Department of General Dentistry and Oral Medicine
    University of Louisville School of Dentistry

    8:10 – 8:30 p.m.               ADEA PASS/MATCH Overview

    Yolanda Jones, ADEA Director, Advanced Dental Education Application Service

    8:30 – 8:50 p.m.                Preparing to Apply to Advanced Graduate Programs

    Russ Bergman, D.M.D., Board Director, ADEA Council of Advanced Education Programs
    Dental Residency Program Director
    Newark Beth Israel Medical Center

    8:50 – 9:15 p.m.               Panel Discussion: Navigating the Road to Residency

    James L. Harrison, D.M.D.
    Associate Professor, Department of General Dentistry and Oral Medicine
    University of Louisville School of Dentistry

    Manavi Nagai, D.M.D., M.S.
    Third-year Prosthodontic Resident
    Harvard School of Dental Medicine

    Elyse Estra, D.M.D.
    First-year Prosthodontic Resident
    University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 

    Azizat Adediran, D.D.S.
    First-year Orthodontic Resident
    University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

    Garrett Wingrove, D.M.D., FACD, FAGD
    Second-year Endodontics Resident
    Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

    9:15 – 9:25 p.m.               Q&A With Panel

    Justin James Donato

    9:25 – 9:30 p.m.               Closing Remarks

    Justin James Donato

    9:30 p.m.                           Adjourn

    Azizat Adediran, D.D.S.

    First-year Orthodontic Resident

    University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation. 

    Russ Bergman, D.M.D.

    Board Director, ADEA Council of Advanced Education Programs; Dental Residency Program Director

    Newark Beth Israel Medical Center

    Dr. Russ Bergman is the Vice Chair of the Department of Dentistry and GPR Program Director at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. In this role he is responsible for the clinical, educational, and financial performance of the Department of Dentistry. Dr. Bergman has spent his career building strong relationships with Attending Dentists and Residents to create well-respected, highly regarded educational and clinical programs, currently at Newark Beth in New Jersey and previously at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Pennsylvania. Dr. Bergman practiced General Dentistry in Essex County NJ for over 20 years. Dr. Bergman is a graduate of Muhlenberg College, the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Dental Medicine, and the Dental Residency Program at Newark Beth Israel. Dr. Bergman is on the Board of Directors of ADEA, representing the Council of Advanced Education Programs. Among other career awards and distinctions, he was inducted to the American College of Dentists.  

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Justin James Donato

    Chair, ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows (COSRF)

    Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine

    Mr. Donato serves as Chair on the ADEA Council of Students, Residents, and Fellows for the 2024-25 academic year. He is a first-generation Filipino American and a community college transfer student. After completing his prerequisites, he transferred to the University of California, Berkeley where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology. Through his predental journey, he became involved in ADEA through his Educational Student Pathways Internship. ADEA has helped to foster his interest in academic dentistry and to meet like-minded colleagues who aim to prepare future generations of health care professionals.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Elyse Estra, D.M.D.

    First-year Prosthodontic Resident

    University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

    Elyse received her bachelor’s degree in chemistry and her doctoral degree in Dental Medicine from the University of Connecticut. Upon dental school graduation, Elyse was awarded the American College of Dentists Outstanding Student Leader Award, the American Academy of Oral Medicine Award, and the American Prosthodontic Society Award. Following dental school graduation, Elyse completed a General Practice Residency at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is now a first-year Prosthodontics resident at the University of Rochester Eastman Institute for Oral Health.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation. 

    James L. Harrison, D.M.D.

    Chair, ADEA Council of Sections; Associate Professor, Department of General Dentistry and Oral Medicine

    University of Louisville School of Dentistry

    Dr. Harrison is an Associate Professor in the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. He currently serves as the Group Manager (Team Leader) in the comprehensive care clinic where he co-manages forty dental students  

    Dr. Harrison earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry in 2004. Following dental school, he completed a one-year AEGD residency at the University of Cincinnati Hospital. He spent 10 years in private dental practice before returning to academics.
    In 2015, Dr. Harrison joined the faculty at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. He is responsible for the practice management curriculum at his school, where he uses Dental Simulation.  The students get to run a virtual dental practice to help them understand the relationship between management decisions and practice outcomes.  He serves as a faculty advisor for the local chapters of the American Student Dental Association and American Dental Education Association student group.  
    Dr. Harrison has published research on factors affecting dental students’ career plans, helped develop personal financial planning online competency modules and recently edited a book entitled “Business Basics for Dentist”. He is actively involved with ADEA, having chaired the Section on Practice Management, and currently serving as chair to the council of sections. Dr. Harrison has received multiple teaching awards and recognition for his service and leadership contributions to the advancement of dental education.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Yolanda Jones

    ADEA Director, Advanced Dental Education Application Service

    American Dental Education Association

    Yolanda Jones serves as the Director of Advanced Dental Education Application Service and the Staff Liaison to the ADEA Council of Advanced Education Programs, bringing 28 years of dedicated service to ADEA. In her role, she oversees the strategic development and operations of ADEA PASS (Postdoctoral Application Support Service). Yolanda leads the ADEA PASS Advisory Group and works closely with application services staff to drive continuous innovative, ensuring and improved and streamlined application process for all stakeholders. 

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Manavi Nagai, D.M.D., M.S.

    Third-year Prosthodontic Resident

    Harvard School of Dental Medicine

    Manavi Nagai obtained her DMD from Boston University School of Dental Medicine in 2022 and is currently doing her training in prosthodontics at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She was born and raised in Massachusetts.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation. 

    Susan B. Paurazas, D.D.S., M.S., M.H.S.A.

    Chair, ADEA Council of Advanced Education Programs Clinical Professor, Graduate Endodontics Program

    University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry

    Dr. Paurazas is a Clinical Professor and Program Director of Graduate Endodontics at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry.  Responsibilities include advising of graduate student research and graduate Endodontic admissions. Her interests focus on evidenced-based endodontics.  Dr. Paurazas holds a Masters degree Endodontics and a D.D.S. degree from the University of Detroit Mercy and a Masters degrees in Health Services Administration from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. She is a Board Certified endodontist.  Dr. Paurazas has served on multiple committees of the American Association of Endodontists, including the Research and Scientific Affairs committee and the Educational Affairs Committee. Dr. Paurazas is actively involved in the American Dental Education Association and serves on the Council of Advanced Education Programs, and is past president of the ADEA Section on Endodontics. Dr. Paurazas maintains a private endodontic practice in New Baltimore, Michigan.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Garrett Wingrove, D.M.D., FACD, FAGD

    Second-year Endodontics Resident

    Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

    Dr. Wingrove is currently an endodontics resident at Boston University School of Dental Medicine. Originally from Toronto, Canada, Dr. Wingrove moved to the United States in 2013 to attend Boston University’s predoctoral program. After graduation, he completed a General Practice Residency at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Following his residency, he worked as a restorative dentist in private practices across central Massachusetts, downtown Boston, and the MetroWest area.

    Dr. Wingrove is passionate about teaching both at the dental school and mentored young dentists through local and national dental associations. He currently serves on the American Association of Endodontists’ Public & Professional Relations Committee. He is also the past chair of the Massachusetts Dental Society Membership Committee and a guest member of the Board of Trustees. Presently, he co-chairs the Yankee Program Committee. For his leadership and contributions, Dr. Wingrove received the prestigious “Top 10 Under 10” Award, recognizing dentists who have been in the profession for less than 10 years and have made a significant impact on the field, their community, and organized dentistry. Dr. Wingrove is a fellow of the International College of Dentists, the American College of Dentists, and the Academy of General Dentistry.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/11/2024

    Join us for this webinar where we'll review research findings of dental students’ use of social media to learn about clinical procedures and discuss opportunities for dental educators respond to students’ learning preferences for easily accessible, visual learning content.

    The modern dental student has been educated in an increasingly social media- driven society. Recent publications detailing dental students’ use of digital resources have reported them using online video and content-sharing platforms for both learning and leisure. Students preparing for careers in dentistry are also using online resources, such as YouTube, to supplement their formal dental education though these online videos are not usually recommended by dental school faculty.  

    Join us for this session where we’ll review research findings of dental students using social media to learn about clinical procedures and discuss opportunities for dental educators to respond to students’ learning preferences for easily accessible, visual learning content.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Describe how dental students use social media to learn about clinical dental procedures. 
    • Discuss both the positive and negative impacts of social media on dental education. 
    • Explore opportunities for dental educators to respond to student's preferences for visual learning resources. 

    Original Release Date: September 10, 2024

    Expiration Date: September 10, 2027

    Questions? Contact   


    The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by September 10, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.0 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Lorel E. Burns, D.D.S, MS

    Associate Professor

    New York University College of Dentistry

    Dr. Lorel Burns is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics. She is a full-time faculty member at New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry and engages in part-time private practice in New York. Dr. Burns earned her DDS degree at NYU College of Dentistry (2015), completed her specialty training in Endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine (2017) and was awarded her master’s degree (MS) in clinical investigation by NYU School of Medicine (2019). In 2019, she was selected as the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) Foundation’s Endodontic Educator Fellow. In 2022, she recognized with the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Junior Faculty Award. Additionally, Dr. Burns participated in the 2023 cohort of the ADEA Leadership Institute as the ADEA/ AAE Foundation Scholar. 

    Dr. Burns is a clinician-investigator, and her research program has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), and the ADEAGies Foundation. Dr. Burns has used social media to study access to dental care and has researched the influence of social media on clinical dental education. Her research in the area is published in JMIR Formative Research and the Journal of Dental Education. 

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

    Franky Min-Wen Fu, D.D.S, MS

    Clinical Assistant Professor

    New York University College of Dentistry

    Dr. Min-Wen Fu is a dedicated and highly skilled dentist with over 10 years of experience in the field of dentistry. He holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree and a Master degree in Oral Biology from Taiwan (Chung-Shan Medical University and National Defense Medical Center). Dr. Fu earned his endodontics certifications from New York University in 2021 as he had a passion for both clinical practice and education, he pursued a career in Dental Education at New York University.  

    For the past years, Dr. Fu has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the New York University, College of Dentistry. In this role, he has mentored and taught hundreds of dental students and residents, sharing his extensive knowledge and expertise in endodontics. His commitment to education is reflected in his innovative teaching methods, which blend traditional techniques with the latest advancements in dental learning with social media habits. 

    Outside of his professional life, Dr. Fu is passionate about community service. He volunteers his time to provide dental care to underserved populations through various local and international outreach programs. 

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/05/2024

    This webinar will explore AI’s promise and its threat, shed light on AI’s quirks and strengths and challenge attendees to grapple with this emerging technology.

    Should artificial intelligence (AI) be used by students at the undergraduate/graduate level for classwork, research and writing? Should faculty practitioners, researchers and instructors use AI for teaching or grading the students’ work? Academia is ambivalent and undecided about the use of AI. This webinar will explore AI’s promise and its threat, shed light on AI’s quirks and strengths and challenge attendees to grapple with this emerging technology.

    Learning Objectives: 

    • Develop an understanding of the strategic use, effectiveness and efficiencies of AI in our professional lives and in the classroom.
    • Explore the limitations and pitfalls of naively overtrusting AI, especially when faced with unique or nuanced challenges.
    • Explain effective implementation of AI in classroom, clinical and research arenas.

    This webinar is presented by the ADEA Section on Integrated Clinical and Applied Biomedical Sciences. Learn more about joining this Section, as well as ADEA's other Sections and Special Interest Groups online.

    Original Release Date: August 29, 2024

    Expiration Date: August 29, 2027

    Questions? Contact

    Disclaimer: The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by August 29, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.00 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Karen North, Ph.D.

    Clinical Professor

    USC School of Communication

    Karen North, Ph.D., is a recognized expert in digital social media and in psychology. Dr. North is the Founder and former Director of University of Southern California (USC) Annenberg’s Digital Social Media program—the world’s first master’s degree program and research center focused on the leadership, management and development of digital products, platforms and communities. Dr. North is a Clinical Professor in the USC School of Communication with primary interests that include digital and social media, business and product strategy, privacy and safety online, Artificial Intelligence, brand building and reputation management. She regularly appears as an expert on national, international and local news, including television, newspaper, radio, podcast and online news outlets.

    Trained as a clinical and social psychologist with considerable experience in federal telecommunications policy and practice, Dr. North’s interests come together in the digital world where entrepreneurs and large companies use social and digital media to bring people together, exert influence and form groups, and where these efforts impact our social, cultural and business worlds. She also focuses on governmental and regulatory efforts domestically and internationally. Dr. North teaches at USC and works with small and large companies, foreign and domestic governments and assorted projects in this sector. Prior to USC, Dr. North was the Assistant Dean of the University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Policy. 

    Dr. North previously worked during the Clinton Administration, in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Domestic Policy Council. Before that, she worked for U.S. Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) who was then the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products or services I will discuss in the presentation.

  • Contains 2 Component(s) Recorded On: 07/03/2024

    By attending this webinar, participants will gain valuable strategies for developing a thriving, patient-centered dental practice and will be equipped with actionable knowledge to drive continuous improvement and success in their professional endeavors.

    This webinar is designed to provide insight into the effective and innovative management of a dental practice. The speakers panel will cover aspects of practice management, including operational management, patient engagement and skills to develop strong leaders. Additionally, speakers will explore new technology that enhances practice efficiency and addresses common challenges faced by dental practices with practical solutions. By attending this webinar, participants will gain valuable strategies for developing a thriving, patient-centered dental practice and will be equipped with actionable knowledge to drive continuous improvement and success in their professional endeavors. Topics of discussion include: 

    • Make Your Morning Huddle More Effective
    • Soft Skills: Developing a Culture of Leaders 
    • ROI of a Digital (Dental) Practice 

    Note: This event does not offer continuing education (CE) credit.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify the purpose of morning huddles in a dental practice
    • Evaluate how to optimize workflow and efficiency
    • Identify components of a Digital Dental Practice
    • Develop a strategy for measuring ROI in a Digital Dental Practice

    Original Release Date: June 26, 2024

    Expiration Date: June 26, 2027

    Questions? Contact 


    The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    Mina Ghorbanifarajzadeh, D.M.D.

    Senior Clinical Manager


    As a frontier leader and dental artificial intelligence expert, Dr. Mina Ghorbanifarajzadeh, worksat Overjet, one of the top 5 software companies reported by Dental Products Report. As serving Senior Clinical Manager for Overjet she helps shape the industry standards for what we can expect of Artificial Intelligence today and where we can expect it to go in the future.

    With a background in technology, health care, and world-class service, Dr. Ghorbanifarajzadeh’s passions align with the mission that technology will bring to dentistry. She is energized by the growing technologies that will not only improve patient dental care but overall healthcare as well. Dr. Ghorbanifarajzadeh is a graduate of the University of Florida College of Dentistry and was the recipient of the Oral Maxillofacial Radiology Award. Also, she currently serves as a Wellness Ambassador for the ADA.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

    Brittany Marino

    University and Early Career Education Manager

    Align Technology

    Brittany Marino works for Align Technology as a University and Early Career Education Manager, supporting University dental schools and New Grad GPs as they integrate Invisalign and iTero into their practice workflows. She has been with Align for nearly 7 years working across the company in clinical, sales, and customer support capacities. Prior to Align, Brittany worked as a public school teacher. However, her most important educator role to date is teaching her 4-and-7-year old children how to get along. 

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

    Kim O’Conner

    Director of Operations

    Aspen Dental

    Kim O’Connor is the Director of Operations with Aspen Dental supporting the practices in Iowa, Nebraska, and Illinois. She's held several roles in the organization, learning operations from the ground up.  Her contributions and passion for patient care has been recognized with many awards throughout her tenure at Aspen Dental. Kim currently supports 30 practices in the Midwestand is instrumental in developing patient-centric field and office teams, by supporting a culture of leadership within the practice.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 06/04/2024

    Using current scenarios from cariology teaching and clinical decision making, strategies to increase acceptance and implementation of current caries best practice will be outlined to help guide effective calibration.

    As understanding of caries pathophysiology has advanced, several decades of cariology and restorative research has significantly reshaped clinical dental practice and our teaching. ADA Clinical Practice Guidelines recommend using patient risk assessments and preventative, non-restorative and restorative strategies as appropriate in treatment plans to guide better care for each patient. 

    In dental schools, inconsistent adherence to these guidelines has limited the improvement of outcomes for our current and future patients. Challenges with faculty calibration have been cited in ADEA Sections on Cariology and Operative Dentistry as a major barrier to implementation of evidence-based practice in caries management. A relatively new field of research, known as Dissemination and Implementation Science, shows promise for addressing this “evidence-to-practice” gap in training and clinical care.

    With ADEA Cariology leaders, a clinical psychologist and behavioral researcher will discuss the issues that impede implementation outcomes particularly relevant to dental faculty. Using current scenarios from cariology teaching and clinical decision making, strategies to increase acceptance and implementation of current caries best practice will be outlined to help guide effective calibration.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Describe the overall scope and major aims of Dissemination and Implementation Science, including defining common outcomes of oral health-related implementation research
    • Identify and apply strategies for effectively introducing and implementing new caries protocols into clinical practice at their institution
    • Develop new approaches for faculty calibration in the teaching and clinical practice of caries management 

    Original Release Date: May 30, 2024 

    Expiration Date: May 30, 2027 

    Questions? Contact  


    The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by May 30, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.0 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Eileen R. Hoskin, D.M.D., M.A.

    Full-time Faculty and Director of the Division of Operative Dentistry

    Rutgers School of Dental Medicine

    Dr. Eileen R. Hoskin is full time faculty and Director of the Division of Operative Dentistry within the Restorative Department at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM). Positions at RSDM include course directorships, Director for Academic Affairs and Group Practice Administrator. Until two years ago she was also in private practice in New York City. Dr. Hoskin earned a dental degree from New Jersey Dental School (now Rutgers School of Dental Medicine); attended a General Practice Residency at St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital in New York City and attained a master’s degree in dental education through American Dental Education Association (ADEA) /Academy for Academic Leadership (AAL) and the University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. She completed a teaching certificate in effective college instruction through the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and has participated in many ADEA programs, including the Summer Program for Emerging Academic Leaders, and the Institute for Teaching and Learning. She has also completed the ADA/ Forsyth School program in Evidence Based Dentistry. 

    Dr. Hoskin has published research in the Journal of Dental Education, Evidence-Based Dentistry, and Nutrition and Gerodontology and is a peer reviewer for many dental journals including Operative Dentistry and for the Academy of General Dentistry. Within dentistry and dental education, her focus is pedagogy and cariology. Updating cariology curriculum and researching best methods for student outcomes are her passion. She has presented programs at ADEA’s Annual Session & Exhibition, including Short Talks and Workshops.
    Her leadership roles include Past President of the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine Alumni Association, Secretary/ Treasurer of the Academic Assembly at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine and past Chair of the ADEA Cariology Section   She is an active member in the American Academy of Cariology (AAC), Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CaMBRA) and the Consortium of Operative Dentistry Educators (CODE). She is a member of the New Jersey State Board of Dentistry and an examiner for CDCA-WREB- CITA. 

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Donald Lapine, D.M.D.

    Assistant Professor

    Rutgers School of Dental Medicine

    Donald Lapine, D.M.D., FAGD, FACD received his dental degree in 1997 from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, now known as Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM).  Dr. Lapine currently holds a Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry and the American College of Dentists.
    Dr. Lapine maintains memberships and leadership positions in numerous professional organizations, including the American Dental Association, New Jersey Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Dental Education Association [ADEA]. He is currently the Chair of ADEA’s Section on Cariology.  He has published numerous poster and abstract publications and has had the honor of lecturing nationally on Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education.
    Dr. Lapine holds a full-time faculty appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine where he is the director of numerous preclinical Operative Dentistry Didactic and Laboratory courses. Additionally, he is a clinical attending for 3rd and 4th year students in Fixed Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry. 

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Jan Mitchell, D.D.S., M.Ed.

    Professor (Retired)

    Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University

    Dr. Jan K. Mitchell is a 1979 graduate of Emory University School of Dentistry. She completed a two year Comprehensive Dentistry Residency in the US Navy, twice receiving their Award for Clinical Excellence. She served on active duty for 26 years, including assignments overseas, on ships, and in teaching programs. She is certified as a Master by the Academy of General Dentistry and is a Diplomate of both the Federal Services Board of General Dentistry and the American Board of Operative Dentistry, which she has served as President. 

    Dr. Mitchell is a retired Professor in Restorative Sciences at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta, where she was inducted into the Georgia Health Sciences Academy of Educators. The 2015 recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award at the Dental College of Georgia, Dr. Mitchell also lectures nationally on many topics, including new concepts in caries, vital pulp therapy, dental materials, and treatment planning with risk assessment. She lives in Augusta with her husband, Dr. David Snyder. 

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Cameron L. Randall, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor

    University of Washington School of Dentistry

    Cameron L. Randall, Ph.D., is a clinical health psychologist and Assistant Professor of Oral Health Sciences at the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle. His NIH-funded research focuses on pain, dental fear, health behavior, and providers’ implementation of evidence-based practice. He has published more than 50 journal articles and book chapters on these topics, and his scholarly work has been recognized with awards from the NIH, the International Association for Dental Research, and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Randall also researches and speaks nationally and internationally on topics related to workforce well-being. He serves in leadership positions in the International Association for Dental Research, and he is a member of the editorial boards for Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology and JDR Clinical and Translational Research. He was a lead author on the Consensus Statement on Future Directions for the Behavioral and Social Sciences in Oral Health and was a contributor for the recently released NIH Report, Oral Health in America. At the University of Washington School of Dentistry, he teaches behavioral science topics in the predoctoral and resident curricula. Dr. Randall completed his undergraduate studies (BS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, his graduate studies (MS, PhD) at West Virginia University, and his clinical psychology internship training at the University of Washington, where he was a resident in behavioral medicine and neuropsychology.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 05/09/2024

    Emphasizing the critical role of faculty in steering academic leadership that is inclusive, equitable and resilient, the session will delve into strategies for overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities within higher education.

    In today’s rapidly changing world, the dental and allied dental professions face unique complexities and unprecedented leadership challenges. As we move further into the 21st century, the ability to adeptly navigate these evolving dynamics is essential. This one-hour seminar is designed to equip new faculty members with the necessary leadership skills to thrive in the academic landscape of dental and allied dental education in the context of a diverse and ever-changing environment. Emphasizing the critical role of faculty in steering academic leadership that is inclusive, equitable and resilient, the session will delve into strategies for overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities within higher education.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify resources to enhance essential leadership skills for success in the 21st century workplace.            
    • Develop communication strategies that enhance inclusivity and promote growth.  
    • Integrate reflective practices into leadership development. 
    • Apply strategies that foster an environment of safety and belonging.

    This webinar is presented by the Section on PRIDE, Promoting Respect for Identity Dignity and Expression; Section on Minority Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion; and Section on Women in Leadership. Learn more about joining these Sections, as well as ADEA's other Sections and Special Interest Groups here.

    Original Release Date: May 9, 2024
    Expiration Date: May 9, 2027
    Questions? Contact


    The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by May 9, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.0 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Carter Bruett, D.D.S., M.Ed.

    University of Utah School of Dentistry

    Born and raised in Salt Lake City, Dr. Carter Bruett (he/him/they/them) received his B.S., M.Ed. and D.D.S. degrees from the University of Utah. He then set off to New York City where he was trained in oral and maxillofacial pathology at New York Presbyterian/Queens. Returning to the University of Utah, he now is an assistant professor at the School of Dentistry where he teaches predoctoral students, directs several pre-dental pathway programs, and sees patients with clinical oral pathology needs through the University faculty practice. Dr. Bruett is an active participant in several academic associations, including ADEA, where they currently serve as the secretary for the PRIDE section. 

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

    Nathalia Garcia, D.D.S., M.S.

    Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine

    Dr. Nathalia Garcia is a Periodontist, Professor, Assistant Dean for Career Development, Chair of the Applied Dental Medicine Department, and Section Head of Periodontics at Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Garcia is also an Adjunct Faculty member at Saint Louis University.

    With a deep commitment to dental education, Dr. Garcia is actively involved in both pre-doctoral and postdoctoral teaching. Her academic pursuits include a diploma in University Teaching and Education, reflecting her dedication to advancing innovative teaching methodologies and curriculum initiatives in the field of periodontics.

    As the department chair, Dr. Garcia plays a pivotal role in faculty professional development, mentorship, and fostering external collaborations for research endeavors. She has contributed significantly to clinical and educational research, participating in various projects funded by private industry and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) including the Human Microbiome Project, and was the SIU PI of the multi-center study supported by the NIH-NIDCR entitled Biomarkers of periodontal disease progression. These research efforts have culminated in numerous publications.

    Dr. Garcia's contributions to the dental community have earned her prestigious accolades, including membership in the OKU Dental Honor Society, fellowship in the International College of Dentists, and recognition as a fellow of the American Dental Association-ADEA Leadership Institute. In 2017, she was honored as the ADEA Enid Neidle Scholar. Acknowledged for her outstanding contributions to inclusion, equity, and diversity, Dr. Garcia was named a SIUE Phenomenal Woman in 2020. Subsequently, in 2022, she received the American Academy of Periodontology Award for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring in Periodontics at Saint Louis University. Notably, Dr. Garcia was a runner-up for the one-time piece ADEA President Centennial Award for Oral Health Education.

    Beyond her academic and research roles, Dr. Garcia actively serves the dental community. She is a test constructor for the Integrated National Board Dental Examination for the American Dental Association and contributes to the American Academy of Periodontology's Educational Committee. Dr. Garcia holds leadership roles as the chair-elect of the ADEA Women in Leadership Section, the SIU-ADEA Woman Liaison Officer, and a representative to the ADEA Council of Faculties. She also co-chairs the American Dental Education Association - ADEA Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee and is a member of the ADEA Collaborative on Dental Education Climate Assessment group. She was recently invited to be part of the ADEA Task Force on Envisioning and Transforming the Future of Oral Health and Education. Dr. Garcia's commitment to diversity is further evidenced by her certification as a Diversity Facilitrainer (CDFT) by NCCJ Saint Louis.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

    Ana López Fuentes, D.M.D., M.P.H

    University of Puerto Rico School of Dental Medicine

    Dr. López-Fuentes, D.M.D., M.P.H., FACD, FICD; is a tenured Professor, at the Community Dentistry Section of the University of Puerto Rico School of Dental Medicine (UPRSDM). She is currently the 2024-2025 Immediate Past-Chair of the ADEA Board of Directors, 2023-2024 Chair of the ADEA Board of Directors.Dr. López-Fuentes served as Dean of the UPRSDM from 2014-2018. At the UPRSDM, she serves as President of the Infection Control and Quality Assurance Standing Committees. She earned a certificate in dental infection prevention and control fromOSAP and the DALE Foundation. She is a member of the ADEA Collaborative on Dental Education Climate Assessment (CDECA), and UPRSDM’s ADEA Women Liaison Officer since 2006. She is Site Visitor for the ADA Commission on DentalAccreditation (CODA), and Ex-officio member/Consultant to the Board of Trustees of the Hispanic Dental Association (HDA). Dr. López serves as faculty advisor to the HDA and the American Association of Women Dentists Student Chapters.

    Dr. López-Fuentes served as Co-Chair of ADEA’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee from 2014-2021, ADEA’s Annual Session Program Committee (2018-2021),Immediate Past Chair of ADEA’s Women in Leadership Section, and Councilor to the Council of Sections representing the Women in Leadership Section. From 2018 to 2019,represented the HDA in the American Dental Association Presidents’ Summit for Diversity and Inclusion. She served as faculty advisor to the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM), fellowship from 2018-2022.

    Dr. López-Fuentes has served as faculty representative to the Academic Senate at the UPR Medical Sciences Campus, to ADEA’s Council of Faculties, UPRSDM Curriculum
    Director, Community Dentistry Section Chief and UPRSDM Associate Dean. At the university level, she represented the Medical Sciences Campus (MSC), Academic Senate at the President’s Board and was appointed Executive Secretary to the UPR President’s Board. She directed the first dental assistant program at the University of Granada, Spain; resulting from a collaboration between the University of Puerto Rico and the University of Granada, Spain. Dr. López-Fuentes is an alumnus of several leadership programs: ADEA’s Summer Program for Emerging Academic Leaders, ELAM and the Bell Leadership Institute.

    As Dean of the UPRSDM, she was instrumental in amending the local dental law, implementing the electronic health record, the approval of the Periodontics Graduate
    program and the first Dean of the UPRSDM to be elected to ADEA’s Council of Deans Administrative Board. She is the Recipient of the 2018 Chair of the ADEA Board of
    Directors Citation for significant contributions to dental education.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

    Carlos S. Smith, D.D.S., M.Div.

    Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry

    Dr. Carlos Smith is the inaugural Associate Dean of Inclusive Excellence, Ethics, and Community Engagement and an Associate Professor in the Department of Dental Public Health and Policy at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. A national voice in dentaland health professions education, he is a member of the board of directors of the Academy for Professionalism in Health Care and currently serves as President-Elect of the American Society for Dental Ethics. An active ADEA member, he has served on the Collaborative on Dental Education Climate Assessment, which led the first ever dental education-wide climate stud. He has served as previous chair of the section on Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues, and was recently elected secretary of the section on Minority Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion. Also an ordained clergy, Smith completed Clinical Pastoral Education at Duke Medical Center, with emphasis on providing care and crisis management to families of cardiac pediatric patients. A sought after speaker, he has provided keynote and seminar presentations for the National Dental Association, ADA, American College of Dentists, ADEA, Virginia Health Catalyst, Virginia Dental Association, dental schools, hospital systems, and oral health advocacy groups. He has a certificate in Diversity and Inclusion Leadership from Virginia Commonwealth University and a certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. He graduated from Hampton University, the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, and Duke Divinity School. His scholarly activity currently focuses on conceptualizing a reimagined professionalism inclusive of critical consciousness and identity, the history of racism in healthcare, inclusive excellence in dental education, and provider wellbeing and burnout. Dr. Smith continues as a general dentist within the VCU Dental Faculty Practice, is co-advisor to the VCU chapter of SNDA and supports the Aligned and Allied student group.

    Speaker agrees that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Katherine Velasco, D.D.S

    Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine

    Dr. Katherine Velasco, a Colombian national, graduated in dentistry in 1998, spent 10 years in private practice and served the community for three years in Colombia. Later, she became part of the educational force of the Dental Academy where she instructed more than 900 students at Roseman University, during which time she received recognition as outstanding faculty and faculty of the year.

    Dr Velasco has been included in the bibliographical compendium of who's who in America as a person of interest who has dedicated part of her life to the improvement of the profession and dental education.

    Currently Dr. Velasco is an assistant professor and clinical team leader in the International Graduate Dental - IDG -program at NOVA Southeastern University and serves on the student progress committee, and practice dentistry one day a week.

    Dr. Velasco, having only been at NSU for a short time, she already obtained the dean's award for diversity, integrity, leadership, and excellence.

    In addition to her academic career, Dr. Katherine Velasco is an active member of ADEA where she has been Chair of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care IPECC and currently the Chair-Elect of Minorities Affairs Diversity and Inclusion Section.

    Dr. Velasco is an active member of the Hispanic Dental Association where she fulfills different leadership roles at the national, state, and institutional levels.

    Her greatest satisfaction is seeing others progress and succeed in something she was able to contribute to.

    Dr. Velasco knows how to balance work and family life, she enjoys the beach, hiking, painting, doing projects, and exploring new places.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

    Tanya Wright, D.D.S.

    University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine

    Dr. Tanya Wright is a board-certified oral and maxillofacial pathologist who graduated from Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry in Nashville, TN.  She completed her oral pathology residency training at The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens in Flushing, NY. Dr. Wright has shared her expertise in oral and maxillofacial pathology with numerous students and residents. Currently, she is an associate professor in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences and Surgical Dentistry at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine. 

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 05/08/2024

    Join us during this webinar to learn the phases of UTSD’s strategic growth that incorporates clinical staff dentists and dental hygienists. We will also discuss the challenges encountered and analyze the risks and benefits of clinical affiliations that expand the scope of a faculty practice and integrate medical and dental care in a variety of community and private practice settings.

    Academic dental institutions are constantly in need of innovative ways to support their teaching, research, and service missions. To accomplish this, UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry (UTSD) has expanded its traditional, in-school faculty practice by partnering with a variety of local healthcare organizations. 

    Join us during this webinar to learn the phases of UTSD’s strategic growth that incorporates clinical staff dentists and dental hygienists. We will also discuss the challenges encountered and analyze the risks and benefits of clinical affiliations that expand the scope of a faculty practice and integrate medical and dental care in a variety of community and private practice settings.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Describe the strategies required to establish a faculty practice enterprise and brand 
    • Identify opportunities for new partnerships in your local community 
    • Evaluate the administrative and operational aspects of an expanding faculty practice

    Original Release Date: May 1, 2024
    Expiration Date: May 1, 2027
    Questions? Contact  


    The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.

    CE Information

    The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. 

    An evaluation form is available to participants after the conclusion of the live webinar. To earn continuing education (CE) credit for participation in the webinar, the online evaluation must be completed in full by May 1, 2027. After completing the evaluation, webinar participants can print and save the CE Verification Form.

    ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

    The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 1.0 continuing education credit.


    All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.

    Kimberly S. Ruona, D.D.S.

    Dental Director

    Harris Health System Community Dental Services, UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry

    Dr. Kimberly Ruona serves as the dental director for Harris Health System’s Community Dental Services. Since 2020, she has led the partnership and clinical practice team that provides general dentistry in six community health centers across the Houston metropolitan area. Dr. Ruona is an assistant professor in the Department of General Practice and Dental Public Health at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry where she was the Associate Dean for Patient Care from 2015-2020. Prior to relocating to Houston in 2010, she practiced in northern Michigan and Washington state. She is a proud 1992 graduate of University of Michigan School of Dentistry.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial products(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.

    Thomas A. Servos, D.D.S.

    Chief Clinical Officer, UT Dentists

    UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry

    Dr. Thomas A. Servos, Professor in the Department of General Practice and Dental Public Health was appointed Chief Clinical Officer of UT Dentists, the clinical practice enterprise, in July 2021. 

    In this role, Dr. Servos oversees the UT Dentists’ clinical operations which consists of the clinical practice plan located at UTHealth Houston, School of Dentistry, and a dental service line consisting of multiple community dental clinics through a UT Dentists collaboration. He supports ongoing initiatives and progress as UT Dentists continue with expansion efforts into the Houston and surrounding area.

    UT Dentists was established in 2006, and Dr. Servos served as their first Clinic Director and he also served as Director of Patient Assessment, Vice-Chair of the former Department of Diagnostic Sciences and Interim Head of Radiology.

    Dr. Servos was raised in Houston and graduated from The University of Texas at San Antonio Dental School in 1983.  Upon graduation Dr. Servos practiced in the Houston Medical Center until he joined the UT Health Houston School of Dentistry in 1995.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing dental education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial product(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation. 

    John A. Valenza, D.D.S., FAGD


    UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry

    Dr. John A. Valenza is dean and professor of the University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston (UTSD) where he has been a member of the full-time faculty since 1987. He has served in numerous administrative roles, including GPR director, clinical dean, department chair, executive associate dean and, since 2009, dean. He is a fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, the American College of Dentists and the International College of Dentists, and a member of the American Dental Association, Texas Dental Association, Greater Houston Dental Society, American Dental Education Association and the American Association of Hospital Dentists.

    Speaker agrees that neither I nor any member of my family have a financial arrangement or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing dental education program, nor do I have a financial interest in any commercial product(s) or service(s) I will discuss in the presentation.