ADEA eLearn
ADEA Campus Climate Survey: An Overview of Our Strategic Priorities Within Dental Education as a Result of the Inaugural Climate Survey
Recorded On: 09/28/2023
- Non-member - Free!
- Member - Free!
The ADEA climate assessment survey was conducted in spring 2022 and included 258 participating U.S. and Canadian dental schools and allied dental education programs. ADEA partnered with Nonprofit HR, a private consulting group, to develop and implement the ADEA climate survey. Participation was free and open to all U.S. and Canadian dental schools and allied dental education programs
The ADEA Climate Study, the result of this survey, is a crucial step in measuring dental education efforts to foster a humanistic and inclusive environment. The baseline data collected will be used to develop strategic priorities and activities, serve as a benchmark for future data collection activities and assist dental education in gauging future progress.
Over the past several months since campuses received their individualized campus-level data, ADEA has been working with Nonprofit HR to determine areas of strategic focus based on the data findings. The ADEA Climate Study Strategic Roadmap, will focus on the following goals over the next three years: 1) Humanistic and Inclusive Environment, 2) Equitable Policies and Practices and 3) Bias and Discrimination. This roadmap outlines actionable opportunities or key implementation activities and strategies for campuses to advance a humanistic environment on their respective campuses. All campuses will be asked to engage in all three goals based on their campus needs and are not limited to the strategies outlined in the ADEA Climate Study Strategic Roadmap.
Join Nonprofit HR and ADEA during this webinar to learn more about this request for your campus to participate in integrating strategic initiatives to further a humanistic environment on your campus and throughout dental education, discover how to participate and learn accountability metrics to showcase our collective success.
Please Note: This session does not offer continuing education (CE) credit.
Original Release Date: September 28, 2023
Expiration Date: September 28, 2026
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The purpose of this presentation is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional care and is not intended for use for the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this presentation express their own experience, opinions and conclusions. Guest statements do not express the viewpoint of ADEA. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy should not be construed as an ADEA endorsement.
Steven Krzanowski, M.A.
Senior Consultant, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
NonProfit HR
Throughout Mr. Krzanowski's career in the higher education and nonprofit sectors, he has developed and executed diversity, equity and inclusion programs and strategies. In his current role, he works with industry leaders as a thought partner to uncover inequities in organizational systems, address gaps in knowledge and skills, and develop intentional, data-driven, actionable outcomes to advance EDIJ initiatives.
Steven Krzanowski is a consultant with Nonprofit HR.
Millie Gonzalez
Consultant, EDIJ
NonProfit HR
Millie Gonzalez provides subject matter expert advice, insight and strategic direction to clients. She oversees and contributes to client engagements, manages projects to completion, and designs and facilitates DEI training solutions and assessment services to stakeholders.
Millie Gonzalez is a consultant with Nonprofit HR.
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